Sherlock, making progress…

Over the past few days since starting the coat I have made great progress! It is now looking coat shaped! A good start I feel.

Starting by sewing the front and back pattern pieces together, then the two piece sleeves and attaching them to the body of the coat. Ironing interfacing to collar and lapel pieces. I feel the most difficult bit is the sewing of the collar, as it can be quite a fiddly to make sure you’re sewing the correct sections as to make sure there are no raw edges. After a little  bit of unpicking of some stitches and re-sewing the collar is now attached!


Tomorrow I plan to attach pockets, cut out and sew together the lining and insert a pocket into the lining. Getting there!

Sherlock Coat, it has begun…

Over the summer I’ve been commissioned to make a coat in the exact style of the coat worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in the TV series Sherlock. So I started with research:




I used a vogue pattern as a starting point, from here I adjusted as needed, for example I took in the the front and back pieces to make for a better fit (having previously taken measurements of my client), extended the collar as to achieve the high standing collar of Sherlocks coat and shortened the pattern pieces for a shorter lengthed coat. I made a toile of the coat in calico first to check sizings:

With the sizing correct, it was now time to cut the clients chosen fabric!

First to iron, pin and cut…


All set for sewing tomorrow!